Sundog Sheep Company is based in Edwall, WA

Sundog Sheep Company raises Navajo- Churro sheep, the oldest heritage sheep of North America, for lamb and wool. We fabricate custom outdoor cooking accessories inspired by South American open-flame cooking traditions. We promote whole animal utilization by offering other Navajo-Churro sheep products like sheep’s milk soap, natural dryer balls, ethically harvested sheepskins, and more.

Sundog Sheep Co. utilizes mobile, management intensive grazing to raise our sheep. Our goal is to share the benefits of positive ruminant impact and targeted grazing to regenerate the land and to provide the community with delicious, grass-fed lamb. Please contact Alex directly if you are interested in learning more about mobile grazing services.

We promote soil-building methods of animal agriculture. We use practices that encourage biodiversity and protect waterways. We believe that this way of stewardship and shepherding not only supports the health and well being of our flock but the health of crucial ecosystems too. In addition, we aim to preserve the Navajo-Churro breed, their important role in Indigenous history, and significance to the Diné and Pueblo people.